semua orang yang hidup dalam level ekonomi yang sama macam aku mesti pernah rasa pasang angan2 'kalau aku kaya'. well, hidup aku tak la susah sampai tahap kais pagi makan life is so moderate. almost everything is moderate. my IQ ability, my happiness, my family, my economy, my health. it's moderate. im not so clever until i study so hard to get the moderate grade. yeah..not excellent one. but at least i've put my hard work on it. what about happiness? i think that phase of happiness is already in my life. its just whether i want to be grateful or complain about it all the time. moreover, definition of happiness evolve as your grow older. you may be damn happy doing something when you are kids but things get boring when you become adult. owh..whatever.
kalau aku kaya
perkara pertama aku nak buat ialah belanja diri sendiri and parents untuk pergi tanah suci. getting close to Allah sebelum kekayaan take over me. money can change you. mohon Allah beri perlindungan.
kemudian, maybe aku nak tunaikan hasrat ayah aku.
nak buat rumah impian dia...
dia pernah cerita dekat aku, pada suatu hari, masa tu dia baru lepas buka puasa, puasa 6.
dia cerita tentang aset, tentang rumah. tentang nilai sebuah rumah.
dia berangan nak buat rumah..yang ada tempat parking tak payah nak reverse2 kereta.
ala...macam rumah yang ada laluan kereta keluar masuk tu..and ada kolam air pancut dekat tengah2 laluan tu.
seronok dengar impian ayah aku tu. dalam diam aku pun simpan impian juga.
impian nak bina rumah impian ibu dan ayah.
one more thing, ayah aku suka motor berkuasa tinggi.
aku nak belikan dia motor yang paling power. yang paling dia puas hati tanpa risaukan berapa budget untuk motor tu.
untuk ibu pulak,
aku nak bawa ibu pergi bercuti ke new zealand. ibu suka tengok bunga-bunga segar. aku nak bawak ibu jalan2 tempat yang dia teringin nak pergi.
aku nak belikan kerusi urut paling awesome untuk ibu. so dia boleh rehat2 dan regangkan badan dia yang asyik rasa sengal2 tu. and then...bawa ibu pergi spa..and do all those girly thing. shopping sudah tentu la kan. and aku kena sediakan sebuah bilik besar untuk simpan semua baju2 and koleksi tudung ibu.
untuk adik2 aku...
aku nak sediakan peluang kerja untuk adik2 aku. bukan senang nak senang kalau setakat kerja dengan orang, makan gaji. aku nak diorang manage sendiri business diorang and make their own money. untuk ila, maybe beauty saloon or butik. untuk nazrin, bengkel motor sendiri.
untuk aku?
membuat semua orang yang aku sayang adalah kebahagiaan untuk aku. terutamanya ibu dan ayah.
kalau aku dah kaya nanti, hopefully aku tak lupa diri dan dapat tunaikan semua impian yang aku dah catat untuk kali ni. insyaAllah, Allah lebih tahu apa yang terbaik. kalau aku tak dapat jadi kaya dekat dunia ni, aku harap aku cukup senang di akhirat sana.
thank you to all visitor for visiting this humble blog by a freshie blogger. lets share experience, opinion, ideas and make lots of friends here!
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Thursday, August 7, 2014
why complain too much?
it's semester break...for the 5th time of my degree life doing law.
as usual, the moment we're stuck in hell busy week during the semester, we always wonder how nice it is to have a sweet cozy holiday doing nothing but laying on the bed and have awesome food, sleep and do some random favourite stuff all day.
but then, after few days of semester break, i always lost focus on 'enjoying' my holiday. the boredom starts filling up my day no matter how many hours i've sleep, how many awesome food i've eat and things i enjoy so much become not so enjoyable?
In this boring moment, I start to wonder why does my university give very pack schedule during the semester and very long semester break. people become very unproductive and rush all the time to catch up with the studies, assignments, presentation and etc...and me, become very unproductive having my long semester break doing nothing. i mean, do something that get me bored.
hell yeah...still, it is holiday...way better than nothing. stop complaining. just do the best in every moment of your life farahin. i hope i could improve something or maybe discover new things during this semester break. i hope it is not another wasted time that makes me regret later.
so, that's it for my first post of blog that i've made up to share my boring day that has just begun. hehe.
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